Pop-Ins Schoolhouse

9083 West Peakview Drive 80123 Littleton, CO
Phone: 303-979-0094
Pop-ins Creative School House




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In the early years of child development children absorb new information at a rapid rate.   Their physical growth, language skills, social interaction and emotional growth are all areas influenced greatly by their play and exposure to other children and adults around them.   The more you interact with them the quicker they will absorb and learn new skills in language and literacy, develop physically and build good, sound emotional coping mechanisms. @Pop-Ins Preschool teachers play an important role with your little ones development and confidence.

Physical Development - more than ever, it's so important to keep little ones active and outdoors as much as possible.   Using their large motor skills such as their arms, legs and their heads is crucial for their healthy development.   Letting them ride tricycles, scooters, climb, run and play ball and jump will help their bodies with balance and skill.   The small motor skills will improve by holding scissors, writing, drawing, using playdough, puzzles and sand.   Letting them feed themselves, dig and play with water will give them endless fun and laughter and help them with these important activities for muscle growth.   Teachers are always aware of this and are always watching out for children who need extra help in these areas.

Emotional Development - Letting children learn to manage their emotions through interaction with other peers  is so important to their development.   They will learn kindness, sharing, empathy as well as managing their anger, outbursts and expectations.   Learning to work together, help each other and wait your turn.   Teachers will help children develop confidence and self esteem through slowly trying new things and conquering little challenges.


Language and Reading Development - Listening, talking, reading and writing skills grow at such a rapid rate in children's first few years.  Helping children develop at their own pace needs constant attention so that children who are struggling in a particular area are encouraged and helped.  Learning through storytelling is also so enjoyable.   Communication is one of the most important skills that will carry children successfully through life.

Cognitive and Thinking Development -  Children need to be encouraged to ask questions, make decisions and work through puzzles and problems.   Using information from sight, sound and feeling to solve complex situations will benefit them.   Helping them to approach learning with patience and focus is all part of their growth.

Social Development - Helping children learn to get along with others, to listen to others, and enjoy their company and play is another skill that will help them build a fuller more enjoyable life skill.   With the help of their teachers they will learn self control, manners and how to resolve conflicts.
There are so many facets to these diamonds, our children.   Lets celebrate our teachers and parents as they work hard to give our children the skills to make our world a better place.
Onward and upward with joy!

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