Pop-Ins Schoolhouse

9083 West Peakview Drive 80123 Littleton, CO
Phone: 303-979-0094
Pop-ins Creative School House


Keep the Holidays Happy at Home


Tag: #daycare provider Littleton CO | #daycares in Littleton CO | #kindercare Littleton CO


The holiday season is usually a joyful time where children get to relax and spend time with their families, relatives and friends.   However, with the physical distancing and new restrictions in place, there is an added level of stress for families to be deal with.

​Adults have had a few crazy months of trying to balance home schooling, losing jobs, economic issues coupled with being under one roof together without many outdoor stress relievers.   In many households children could be having more tantrums or teen mood swings adding to the tense atmosphere.  It hasn't been an easy year and children struggle far more to handle their feelings and express them!
When making plans for this holiday season, keeping it simple is the easiest way for everyone to relax, stay happy, enjoy each other and some quality time together. 
Here are just a few tips that you could try to bring joy to the household:

  • Stick to a routine as much as possible
  • Keep mealtimes, exercise, entertainment and sleep times pretty regular
  • Keep meals fairly healthy preventing the sugar highs and lows
  • Make some homemade pizzas together
  • Sit and read an adventure story with your little one
  • Make some healthy cookies together for teatime
  • Bake a banana bread for fun
  • Take walks on sunny days, bundle up to keep cozy
  • Collect pinecones and paint them
  • Make your own Christmas wreath
  • Make homemade Holiday Cards for each person in the family
  • Play some board games, kids love spending time with adults
  • Try zoom calls with friends and grandparents, keep them short for the kids
  • Make a water icing and let them ice cookies with sprinkles,
  • Have a cookie dough shaping competition with cutters
  • If you're a sewer let them help cut out designs for homemade masks
  • Talk about your family's culture, heritage, values and spiritual beliefs.
  • Bring out the photo albums and have chats about your history
  • Above all, practice gratitude for all you have with your children.

We are all going through unprecedented times, and the holiday season will not take away how difficult that feels for a child. The most important thing is to try to stay calm, connected and joyful with your children during these challenging times.   Children will pick up on your stability and your household will be happier for it. 
If you feel that your child or teenager is struggling more than is necessary, speak to your doctor or pediatrician and seek help. Check in with your child often and watch and listen for signs they are struggling. And don't forget that your doctor or pediatrician is there to help so don't hesitate to call them for advice if you are concerned. 
When this difficult time passes, and it will, we will all have many celebrations to catch up on, so be joyful and peaceful during this quiet time.