Pop-Ins Schoolhouse

9083 West Peakview Drive 80123 Littleton, CO
Phone: 303-979-0094
Pop-ins Creative School House







I remember only too well when I had my children, my main concerns were keeping them safe and healthy and in a routine.   These are the coping mechanisms we all go to as young mothers.   Often we neglect the absolute fun we can squeeze into our children's daily routines, which in turn will help to relieve our stresses and bring laughter and joy to our little ones routines.  One just has to be mindful to take a moment and enjoy these precious gifts we’ve been given.


Children look to their parents to teach them almost everything, from emotions to life skills.   There are so many ways to cultivate joy into these routines. 


Spend time with your Children -  Consciously make time each day to connect with your child.   Whether it’s dinner time, bath time or storytime, these moments of joy will work wonders for both you and your child.   Talk to them, sing a song in the car, dance a little and try to spend time outdoors in nature even if it’s just a moment in between chores.   Make sure there’s a time for laughter each day.   Toddlers will love your silliness.  Human connection is one of the most basic needs.


Head Outside - Take a break from the house chores and step outside with your little ones.   A change of scenery works wonders for lifting your spirits and your childs.   Fresh air, sunshine, trees, flowers all can help to feel a sense of joy and wonder.   Look out for little insects and birds, smell the flowers and feel the texture of the leaves on the trees.   These tiny acts will create a sense of joy and respect for the world around them.

Physical Activity- Try to engage with your children on a physical level each day.   Try playing with a ball, running with the dog, or just walking around the garden, or doing small chores around the yard. 

Schedule Playtime into their afternoon routine-  Developing a child’s imagination by initiating play with them, and spend a few moments in their world. You and your child will feel an overwhelming sense of joy and laughter as you play together.  Even a cardboard box can become a whole world for them if you let them come up with the game.

Help them to accomplish something on their own- Helping others, even if it’s feeding the dog, or adding water to the bowl daily can bring a sense of accomplishment and joy.  Let them pick a flower and put it in a vase, or make a painting for dad when he gets home.   Little acts of kindness always add to one's joy,

Physical Affection- a hug or a cuddle goes a long way with your children, take a moment to give them a kiss or hug. Laugh and enjoy them every day.