Pop-Ins Schoolhouse

9083 West Peakview Drive 80123 Littleton, CO
Phone: 303-979-0094
Pop-ins Creative School House




10 Hidden Heroes Hardcover

by Mark K. Shriver  (Author), Laura Watson(Illustrator)


This is a wonderful story to read with your little ones.  Children benefit from stories that feature everyday good deeds, reinforcing how we all have the same needs, desires and feelings. Children who feel valued and included develop confidence and a strong sense of self.  In turn, they’re better equipped to show kindness and compassion to others, including others who are different from themselves.


This Black History Month, @Pop-InsSchoolhouse,  we’ll share how to foster a sense of belonging for every child. The effect is powerful!


Every child is different and recognizing and enjoying this about themselves can create a valuable sense of belonging and inclusiveness.   Making a child feel important and valuable, will, in turn, help them to respect others as they go through life and not feel threatened by differences in appearance or cultures.   Building a child's positivity and confidence in their individuality is healthy and can lessen prejudices as they mature.


Helping little ones from an early age to enjoy and recognize their differences in skin color, shape, hair, language and beliefs will benefit them in being more accepting and comfortable with the world around them.  This awareness that you can be comfortable around different people is a long term teaching opportunity and can be slowly woven into children's everyday activities.  Little examples like Ben has long legs and Jack has shorter legs but both can run just as far.   Jenny has red hair and Cindi has curly black hair and they both like ponytails.   There are also wonderful holidays that come up throughout the year for each religion or nationality that are great times to help children learn about others traditions and celebrate them.


Talking about our differences and similarities makes children more comfortable to discuss the way they are experiencing the world around them and lays the groundwork for openness, empathy and respect for all mankind.


When you feel welcomed into your environment, you will feel confident to welcome others.

Here are two more great stories to read together:


We Are Alike, We Are Different  -

by Janice Behrens  (Author)



Mixed Me!  -

by Taye Diggs(Author), Shane W. Evans(Illustrator)